Monday 28 May 2012

Alice's Namesake

Just a little name sake i stitched for my friend alice, i used a simple flower design and then added some leaves before stitching in her name underneath. 


Mothers Day Hearts and Love

A simple red and pink heart enclosed in a wooden frame wrapped in red and tied with a loving bow. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Koala Bear Card


 my first card is completed and is up for sale, if you are interested or would like a personal one done don't hesitate to contact or comment me, 

Saturday 11 February 2012

I love trying new crafts and am always looking for ways to expand my artistic insight. I think that without art and innocence in our world we would live in an even deeper depressive state. It is crafts afterall that bring us true joy; from the decorations on the Christmas tree, to the hand painted eggs and stuffed chick teddys at eastertime. When you give somebody something crafted and beautiful, for a moment they feel special, happy and 99.9% of the time the words 'it reminds me of my childhood' escape their lips. Crafts and homemade treasures, I truly believe are a way of inspiring the soul and bringing a little light magic into the world. So I make it my aim to try EVERYTHING! If their is a product you would like crafted for somebody special, or a really personal present that you can't find anywhere else then please don't hesitate to send a special request. It makes my day to know that i'm helping others to create a little magic.